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ECHO Session 7 – Ethically Navigating Medical Treatment at End-of-Life

Ethics in Dementia Care ECHO

This session is part of an eight week ECHO series focusing on ethical matters surrounding the care of persons living with dementia to improve quality of life and better support healthcare professionals.

This series is open to any and all persons who provide direct or indirect care for persons living with dementia and their families in any care setting or home and community-based services.

When you register, you are registering for all eight sessions.

Week 7 – Barbara Harty – Ethically Navigating Medical Treatments at End of life

Topic Description:
Week 7 will cover how to navigate dementia as a terminal disease. Particular emphasis will be placed on how to discuss an individual’s preferences and recognizing when a person living with dementia is no longer able to make their own decisions.

Learning Objectives:

  • By the end of this session, learners will be able to…
  • Discuss the goals of treatment for a person diagnosed with dementia, how do we act in the best interest of this person with a terminal and as of now uncurable disease? (Beneficence)
  • Compare the benefits versus burdens of interventions and treatments – to discuss decisions regarding withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatments such as medically administered nutrition and hydration. (Non-maleficence)
  • Recognize when a person with dementia is no longer able to make their own decisions, discuss importance in early stages of making their own preferences known. (Autonomy)
  • Define what is fair and equitable treatment options for persons with dementia. (Justice)

Contact Information
For more information or have questions, please contact Jaime Cobb Tinsley at jcobb@jameslwest.org

Certification & Credits
Up to 8 hours of CEU credits for Social Work, Nursing, LPC, Administrators in the State of Texas pending approval, and Certificates of Completion.

To register, sign up on the ECHO website.
